1: An actress? Direct her in male parts (15)
2: Mountaineers drawing female inside hot springs (7)
3: Slacker is riled, unfortunately (5)
4: Behind and down and out (3)
5: Limits of Indonesian dictator lacking true measure of economy (9)
6: Is that you, Eve? (3,6,6)
10: Caress one grand puzzlemaster (5)
13: Sprinted fleetly? (3)
14: Study a French instrument - it's a puzzle (9)
15: Toothpaste brand at Target? (3)
16: The cow may do this in the local veterinary yard (5)
17: Servile son, first prodigal (7)
19: Drink from fractured pipes (5)
22: Mediterranean leaves unfashionable coins? (3)