1: God, transforming first day into last night, was received (3)
2: About....about right? Wrong! (3)
3: Sinister, in bloody honour. (5)
5: Rolling wave rolls into Rolling Stones song (3,3,4,3)
6: Get rid of Tom for trip to North Pole (3,6)
7: Conducted fight in tent, it's clear (11)
9: A little sports car, let to harassed Southern belle (8,5)
10: Taking the future into consideration, Chaney acquires farmstead (4-5)
11: Steer TS into alternative routes (4,7)
12: Hound British regime in India about Gautama's original tree (9)
15: Director Michael Festers goes back in closet (9)
21: Pinker and harder to find (5)
23: A representative may be a scamp (3)
24: First get a French weapon. (3)