1: Rolling wave rolls into Rolling Stones song (3,3,4,3)
9: I left bear in pain it was the curdled milk! (7)
10: An idea to throw out ring away from home (3,2)
11: Arcking shot from Bill O'Brien (3)
12: A Hollywood star upset about paparazzi hub in crude social event (6,5)
13: Masters' final foursome tees off -- 'Singh-ular' start (6,3)
15: Terrier shows how to stray (3)
16: Solo, the pilot rises? No way (3)
18: Difficult situation with drug in back of pantihose (5,4)
20: Be prepared with amnesties for truancy (11)
23: Choose to take the top off (3)
25: Steel is ruined, nearly destroyed (5)
26: Where some 16-downs fell, its beyond cover (3,4)
27: How a diver might marry (4,3,6)