1: Second chunkiest is shortest and thickest (9)
5: Company microphone is amusing (5)
7: Judges playing conkers? (7)
8: Upset tiny pal in an unsuitable way (7)
10: Brand of cat food containing bird's head and feet (5)
12: Slows down before a drive in a fast lane (4,5)
14: Wild thing sure is greediest (9)
16: Drive carefully and live (5)
17: Articles in 'Divers Times' (5)
19: Oiled lips crushed egg-like object. (9)
21: Accept amputation to carry on an affair (4,2,3)
23: Guided into the West (2,3)
24: First aid for sprains is common in the arctic. (3, 4)
25: Mailer's reinterpreted depiction of the way things are (7)
26: Dislikes laughter set-up (5)
27: Working up here? Not in the next episode (9)