1: Aspiring group losing right to drink fizzy gin (5,2)
2: Fairs with examples of sex positions (5)
3: Call girl sting nabs head of Moral Majority (5)
4: The last movement produces great passion (7)
5: At sea I reused what's left (7)
6: Quickly strip satay cut (2,1,4)
7: Fifty are returning after the last hemp mixture has a short life cycle (9)
8: A tendency to bungle and cry, 'Near upset!' (7)
15: Set out samovars for featured skits (4,5)
17: Careful to take break in your old environment (7)
18: The old Queen was said to be a grizzly mother.(3-4)
19: Stomach is disturbed, bad sign (7)
20: Bundy under English seabird thats forever! (7)
22: Warned of related crackpot (7)
25: Measure of beverage with even fewer calories? (5)
26: Making a comeback in White Horse Inn, a musical heroine (5)