1: A muskmelon or cola nut pa sliced (9)
5: Fold suit and undershirt (5)
7: Dumb moans cracked up investigator of complaints (9)
8: Radio hosts drink little (5)
10: They carry the blame for psychoanalysis (7)
12: Dress up fakes without a shred of compunction (5)
13: Caught carrying oregano's essence in inhalers (5)
14: Something lacking in brief season (9)
16: Come to terms with instant operating computers (5,2,2)
17: Getting old drink in silver container (5)
18: Confuse Garfield, dashing back inside (5)
20: Thirteenth in a series, ER's about an Aussie racketeer who took repeated slams? (7)
21: Climp up on horse on high ground (5)
22: Fake disability after fifty (9)
24: Church council regulation sounds like a big gun (5)
25: Mother loiters and pretends to be ill (9)