1: Without it, set call for recompense (3)
2: Girl mostly into turning inside out - it's never ending! (11)
3: 15-acrosss toilet pot? Rubbish! (5,6)
4: Flower part to lapse badly (5)
5: Coaches of 'Cryptic' curst nits (9)
6: Sixpence for big cheese? (1.1.1.)
7: Sister gets nothing, we hear (3)
8: Pick up line for first man swinging both ways? (5,2,4)
11: Inspects old radical for a moment (5, 6)
13: A properly run lottery might be a complete success (1,5,5)
14: Martyr fighting segregation (5,6)
16: Jumpy is frog one likes (4,2,3)
22: Principal on top of leafy tree (5)
25: One may be a very long time (3)
26: Rohmer hiding unit of Resistance (3)