1: Bachelorettes wear indecent clothing to induce one to take a vow (5, 2)
2: Gambled on wicked stunt-man (9)
3: With a big smile, catch a Royal fish (5)
4: Britannia - she never has blanched (5)
5: Getting rid of joint pain (9)
6: Famous marshal perfects listening devices (9)
7: Essential part of Cayce's power! (3)
8: At sea I reused what's left (7)
15: California business providing front for fraudulent racket (9)
16: Snarling assistant to devil worshipers (9)
18: Very clever fish ain't at sea (9)
19: Supporters, but not for long (7)
21: Seedy lawyer is short on rest, disturbed (7)
24: This identifies the literary epic at the outset! (5)
25: Mechanical worker pushing start button in the depths of the plant (5)
27: Right, turn right to play with robot (3)