2: Tribal emblem starts to take on taboo, erotic meaning (5)
3: An idea to throw out ring away from home (3,2)
4: Rejected, for the most part, unlikely chance to buy rubbery substance (9)
5: Saw grey captive strutting (9)
6: Ned Lunig, thrown inside, openly seen to be crapulous (13)
7: Agree to make Lucifer wicked? (3)
9: Asian river ordeal; it's upset manufacturer (13)
12: Cheyenne Mountain installation produces radon mixture (5)
13: Broke out of cell -- found in prickly sedges (5)
14: Lost one shekel in spaces under desks (9)
15: Extra-radical worker getting tan (9)
19: Englishman opening a can to dine at home (3,2)
20: Docile actions disguise visceral character (5)
21: Old role for paintings that trick the eye (2,3)
22: Behind and down and out (3)