4: Country encircling one's country (9)
7: I am reported to leer (3)
8: Good Republican source of life-giving system for short-handed office workers (5)
9: Gloomy semi-dull firmament (5)
10: Mineral springs start to moderate involuntary muscular contraction (5)
11: Study a French instrument - it's a puzzle (9)
12: San Francisco athlete captures wild boar, an obvious choice (2-7)
13: Messages transmitted about a mile (1-4)
14: A quaintly pleasing accent (5)
16: His stable is unstable, it's found (9)
18: Coats need woven yarns (9)
19: Roosevelt's undergarment? (5)
21: Adore inconstant nymph (5)
22: Wicker basket a North American Indian left (5)
25: Perform part of play (3)
26: Came back on a diet anew and wasted away (9)
27: Belated top-and-tailing to gladden one's heart (5)