1: Refuse graduate upgraded mark (7)
2: Half disapprove of old king (3)
3: Rider in Confederacy's last two campaigns, primarily by inclination (7)
4: Discounting all odds, teen assured to succeed (5)
5: Lada, for example, gets favourite treatment for VIPs (3,6)
7: Just grazed the pasty? (4-7)
8: The olde bull's last moo's for daffodils or buttercups, e.g. (7)
11: Waters return to vessel. (5)
13: Sound practical perception is a normal feeling (11)
16: Welsh resort - and no dull resort (9)
17: Liqueur rumored to heal foot-and-mouth disease among pigs? (7)
18: English novelist is in future a delight (5)
19: Place new requisition about the brotherhood (7)
21: Herb levels the French yard (7)
23: Plate through the nose for lasso (5)
26: Sister gets nothing, we hear (3)