1: Youre filming some Return of the Long Term Prisoner (5)
2: More candid and duller (7)
3: Reportedly pull down more money at work (5)
4: Not exactly the most recent coffee (5)
5: North African port with more flavour (7)
6: California's foremost flower crosser is a highly skilled individual (9)
7: Belgian port getting rid of an idiot (5)
8: Observed, yet seen so poorly (3,4,2)
12: Who applies pitch to a snake-rope? (9)
13: Music direction on, in and at dances (9)
15: Tightener with improved tuning (4,3)
16: Sometimes they mischievously spray-paint footwear, making the top violet (7)
18: Little Mermaid's voice overhead (5)
19: Interest in a revolutionary activist's broadcast (5)
20: Laid off, breadwinner's starting to wing it (2-3)
21: Give in and offer up (5)