1: Want verse included in poetry translation (7)
2: Dock up first boat for cleaning. (5)
3: Behind and down and out (3)
4: Small courses, no fine trimmings. (5)
5: Hoarded tiny bits of dryness (11)
6: Non-discounted rate for newly split grain (4,5)
7: Actor's second, and putting on a mad snit (5-2)
10: Original marks in bad degree came to light (7)
12: Crazy to clean sons in awful mess (11)
14: Cool customers liable to be tossed? (9)
15: Sheds last one carelessly (4-3)
16: New England river flowing with less constraint (7)
17: What's left of reckless desire to get closer to you (7)
20: Hand out Kleenex, wiping away a bit of tears (5)
21: Dance in a state of oblivion (5)
23: Child is to depart, finally (3)