1: Arsenals periodicals (9)
2: Thoroughly dismissed - twice! (3,3,3)
3: Be all ears about the growth of the Highlands (7)
4: Hoyts odd shops abolish horse mints (7)
5: Analyze rotten pears (5)
6: Oval serving of lamb covers one half of tray (9)
7: Bouquets of flowers, freshly opened (5)
11: Gregorian chant emanates from unmelodious Anglo spin (9)
12: Worshipping, as 51 sing following marriage vow (9)
13: One who wanders amidst fantastic text is one who is very outgoing (9)
15: Noodles and drinks with alcohol (7)
16: Courage demonstrated by constraining one who is uninhibited (7)
17: The cow may do this in the local veterinary yard (5)
18: Almost all the foliage has to go. (5)