1: Brand of cat food containing bird's head and feet (5)
3: Building for owl and treble changes? (4,5)
7: Common thread uniting New York and half of London (5)
9: Snarling assistant to devil worshipers (9)
10: Shabby and insolent, having no trace of breeding (5)
11: Colder here in Paris emergency room (5)
13: Leaders of Orioles and Rangers stick in the dugout? (3)
14: Then, one crisis ends after call is for healthy exercises (13)
15: Bugler to stand playing in fields of war (13)
18: Picture a dessert without topping (3)
19: It might reside in monument! (5)
22: Cleaning off a lion bust (9)
23: Opera performed at Ascot (5)
24: Wyatt sharpens up listening devices (9)
25: Happening on a par to first Thanksgiving (5)