1: Later round without an opponent (3)
3: Frank turned brown sitting on mountains (7)
6: Vet theatre opening 8-down (3)
8: Tweak with wrong end of a pin (3)
9: Ruby ran off to marry after a couple of events came to light again (11)
11: Done any revision? It's dull (7)
12: I'm a stud playing in arena (7)
13: Renovated old statue endured longer (9)
15: Faith in Osiris, lamentably (5)
16: Cut corners and omit taking minutes (5)
18: Sanctioned half of values I saw (9)
21: Press against a container of Mexican beer and vodka (7)
22: Curiously mad sort of celebrity (7)
24: Healers swear by the cases of the little river horse. (11)
25: Scale Ten after taxes (3)
27: Mr Stewart on the staff (3)
28: Silver cap for crewless name (7)
29: Pen extracts articles from satay (3)