1: The end, you say? On the contrary! (3)
2: Screams Yes! around line 50 (5)
3: He adopts park tree (5)
4: Loudly certain Woodbridges a near-certainty (5,4)
5: Fold suit and undershirt (5)
6: Appealing rubbish tip (9)
7: Sluggish trainer takes part (5)
8: Watering devices found in run-down orange sheds (6, 5)
11: Ever-practical, Mr. Vader keeps own little piggy (4-2-5)
14: In fear of wheat head (3)
15: Sailor Paul in oilcloth (9)
16: Manager of Shanghai operation is one who is making an impact? (9)
17: Number One in facetiousness (3)
21: Finishes wet, so throw the girl something for drying (5)
22: One who takes after beggarman (5)
24: Cross chest located in New York (5)
25: Letter from Greece about an Asian country (5)
28: I am reported to leer (3)