1: Explain a mackerel manoeuvre (4,5)
2: Ways of approaching a goddess without middlemen? (7)
3: Inept casino confused the issue (4,2,5)
4: Clannish discourtesy cut short a Radical (7)
5: Venomous enemy lurks in Caspians (3)
6: Posed in glossy fabric (5)
9: Third stack of paper rises to the top. (5)
10: I'll scream, 'Gangway!' (5)
13: Exegesis of clue an idiot misunderstood (11)
16: Giving up silly run, Reds tack on a couple of errors (9)
19: Good Republican source of life-giving system for short-handed office workers (5)
20: Certainly, Mr. Gore welcoming Republican is bizarre (7)
21: Talk about food for the birds (7)
22: Pathological bumbler holds a record (5)
25: Uninitiated stoop to finish (3)