1: Church members loosely align headphones (9)
5: Grow, taking head of iceberg to show again (5)
10: In the manner of a girl (3)
11: Carelessly let teeth rot completely (2,3,6)
14: Very clever fish ain't at sea (9)
16: Starts to name Olivia Newton-John 'Country Entertainer' for the time being (5)
17: Land and take off: beginning of flight (5)
19: Ermine, missing tail, squeezing into opening in fence to engage in the process of creating new life (9)
20: Short bloke discontinued hike (3)
21: Organized fatso follows start of precise measurement including pound of seasoning (11)
25: Encourage horse led with direction. (3)
26: Just grazed the pasty? (4-7)
27: Decimal, in many cases (5)
28: Author of Breathe Out, Lay Out, Going Out? (4,5)