1: Live with stewed spinach ingredients (4,5)
6: Dizzy Ben is a playwright (5)
9: Hear Native American appeal (3)
10: Rohmer hiding unit of Resistance (3)
11: Bring salvation to despised, rejected (7)
12: Shepherd, at times, is more abrupt in tone (7)
13: Man sees bananas in a bunch (2,5)
16: A little sports car, let to harassed Southern belle (8,5)
18: Grave study: code-breaking? (13)
21: Would an Englishman worry about fish? (7)
23: Little bitty lines on a letter from Athens (7)
24: Drive an unusual visitor (7)
26: Anger that is constraining response (3)
29: Agreeable to taking in Eastern relative (5)
30: Part of lower body is slow to make laws (9)