1: Beauty stripping top and bottom is an additional feature (3)
3: One Miss Horn takes a tumble with guys having outlaw spirits (11)
8: Rejecting crew's work on board, you rest at the stern (8,3)
10: Jeep model went along to show (5)
11: Surer rate confused Washington money maker (9)
12: Perfume ingredient extracted from lamb ..... er, gristle (9)
13: 25-down Point in these pastimes to clash with 26-across? (5,6)
15: Woodland deity posed six months (5)
16: Relaxed back at vicarage with a NZ channel (6,3)
19: Duck putting string on ancient peeper (9)
21: Headless rodent left by bird (5)
22: For Proust, life's purpose springs from remembrance of a torn desire (6,5)
23: Hang back, keeping right next to person buying a jumper (11)