2: Cheaper oil, gas distributed in Island chains (13)
8: Starting off, bent charm (7)
9: Head of truly despicable fellow's horse (7)
11: Tuck's in a bad way, unable to move. (5)
12: Arcking shot from Bill O'Brien (3)
13: Taxi omitted going around gnome (5)
14: Take Chair in university (3)
15: Bend in Pennsylvania court case related to revered founder (11)
17: Toss a hammer into a nuclear accelerator! (4,7)
21: Road without a pole (4)
22: Youre filming some Return of the Long Term Prisoner (5)
23: I am reported to leer (3)
25: Treacherous stray fleas (5)
27: More pronounced rasp (7)
28: A Baptist's head held by a priest in a river (7)
29: How a diver might marry (4,3,6)