1: Missed hoax set up to trap Sunday drunk outside saloon entrance (4,5,2)
7: Chatter about some pay-back (3)
9: Ace practised a lot by female golfer in a state of decline (2,1,3,3)
10: Many sound prospects for prospectors (5)
11: E.g., told story about cave-men (11)
12: Frost to cover the cake (3)
14: Visual quirk set in stone. (7)
16: And not in town, ordinarily (3)
17: Concealed hot part of psyche (3)
18: Encourage horse led with direction. (3)
20: Child is to depart, finally (3)
22: What models do when embraced by former Democrat leader - all is revealed (7)
25: Put hot cocoa out for someone glued to the TV (5,6)
28: A revolutionary New England state or an Indian state (5)
29: Drop in rent keeping me housed after last month (9)
30: Help found in Adelaide. (3)
31: Toff aimed to do himself proud. (11)