1: Dexterity is an insult, so we hear (7)
2: Dance to old home recording (3 4)
3: Sums are written up for scholar (7)
4: Three kernels of copper-yellow grain (3)
5: Hostile warning: one man has captured the queen (11)
7: Horse fly's, um, retreating (7)
8: Sex and dope are wrong, it's revealed (7)
15: 15-acrosss toilet pot? Rubbish! (5,6)
18: Prolong Austins suffering (7)
19: Medicine was our connection, we hear (7)
20: Year inside for undone expert (5)
22: One hero, perhaps! (7)
23: Deceived, died, dodged (7)
24: Word of opposition from a friend of Caesar, J? (7)
29: The end, you say? On the contrary! (3)