1: A bleater going kooky within ticker test (9)
5: Shiny flat-bottomed boats heading north (5)
8: War ultimately helps attacks (5)
9: The jerk is one trailing a roll of Bounty (9)
10: Study how to endure (2,7)
11: Run off to marry in Tupelo, perhaps (5)
13: A bit of blood in vein of cut of beef (1-4)
15: Catch the sound of the first organ (5)
17: A hint for the snooker champ? (3)
18: Latin lives of Evita explained within (5)
19: Anger doctor internalizes is more serious (5)
21: A Gore follows a Ryan (5)
22: It's designed to hold hot air, say, surrounding edges of propeller (4,5)
24: Segregate horses around the object of a hunt (6,3)
26: Write off aggregate (5)
27: Chump getting past in chasm (5)
28: Classic Australian theatre patrons shocked in Dee Why (4,5)