1: All the cards, plus cards held by ship workers (4-5)
4: This is always resplendent, adorning heads (5)
7: Tidy up and clean floor finally and decisively (4,3,3,3)
10: Unfortunate rot in republic is everlasting (13)
11: Facility left for supporter of the arts? (5)
12: Always heading off without getting paid (9)
15: Partly indicates progress of undergraduate (2,1,6)
18: Several loads hide in Scotland (5)
21: 3-down said Sir, I have these! (5,4,4)
23: Finish suddenly, like an oboe? (1, 4, 2, 3, 3)
24: Centre of diamond is shrouded in fog (5)
25: Scores may appear amongst the trees (9)