1: Large glasses used on ships (9)
4: Reptile eventually climbing a hill (5)
6: Control, coerce, and strengthen (9)
8: Cheer supporting blue automaton (5)
10: Uninitiated stoop to finish (3)
11: Carelessly let teeth rot completely (2,3,6)
13: Separate sort of cameo role (4,5)
14: Goddess is against holding back one Quebecoise (5)
16: Idler, upset, stirred (5)
18: Deranged person ate tongue (9)
20: Martyr fighting segregation (5,6)
21: Frost to cover the cake (3)
22: One who regrets following initial tendencies is increasingly sincere (5)
23: Drink is flowing, by the sound of it, where Magna Carta was signed (9)
24: Interprets, for the audience, the woodwinds (5)
25: Delilah, practically bare, cuts hair! (9)