1: Eat or drink after the dollar improves (5,2)
2: Person with fixed notions is pretty sore, upset about the introduction of Ebonics (11)
3: Rap wave using scab? (6-7)
4: Its a firm, small lettuce (3)
5: Bounder beheaded by slippery swimmer (3)
6: Sort of collection to compose print (7)
8: So the ref stands by score, after ejecting a couple of starters (9)
9: Varies order in command? That's debatable (13)
13: Suggest out loud you dined wickedly (9)
14: Girl mostly into turning inside out - it's never ending! (11)
17: Destroying Bibles, I'm left without drinks (7)
19: Performer to account for lock (7)
23: Greek characters suggest dawn (3)
24: Terrier shows how to stray (3)