1: Back room is attached to home originally for Moroccan (7)
2: The end, you say? On the contrary! (3)
3: Disgusting donut turned a greenish color (5)
4: Raise streamlined submarine stabilizers! (5)
5: Trying restful turns around ship (9)
6: Threatening mischievous lad with termination (9)
8: People vomiting quietly into storm drains (7)
13: Messages transmitted about a mile (1-4)
15: Have misgivings (not half!) about making this gesture? (1-4)
16: Bigoted, ideological extremes in preamble to bill are misguided (9)
17: Color orange upset poet something terrible (5,4)
19: Get sick chasing a grand lady's maid (7)
21: We hear you will record part of a Christmas celebration (4,3)
23: The ultimate in tepee doctrine (5)
24: Pound off top of door--what's inside? (5)
26: Bumped into yours truly at junction (3).
28: Right, turn right to play with robot (3)