1: Melodic rearrangement of asymmetrically split second part (7)
4: Big apes with degree benefits (7)
8: Ministers ordain art evil? I doctor a reversal (13)
10: Supposed hot desire gnawed (9)
12: Initially, teaching language using few words (5)
14: Good Republican source of life-giving system for short-handed office workers (5)
15: Submit 7-down as a scene for drama (7)
16: Ed hates broken earphones (7)
19: Republican badly ires one on the way up (5)
22: Drive carefully and live (5)
23: Fool, failing to finish, follows sprints (9)
25: 3-down said Sir, I have these! (5,4,4)
27: Nobleman, with honour from the Queen, in stud hangout? (7)
28: Raised the former Mr. Gore and Mr. Kennedy (7)