2: Approaching related band, apparently (7)
3: Batsmen trading one who may be a winner? (4,3)
4: The king did not stand for it when he heard that he ogles her. (4, 3)
5: More nutty British can promenade by the sea (7)
6: Holds records for drinking. (7)
7: Cant this band collect any moss? (7,6)
8: I'll go geld guys - suprisingly he laughs raucously. (7, 6)
10: With a big smile, catch a Royal fish (5)
14: Aria Sue belted for a very big hunk?(7)
15: Split particle following before (7)
16: Also-ran gestates, bearing fruit? (7)
17: Doctor upset by a German pain-killer (7)
18: Baker finds use for such money (5)
19: Arena performer's damage involving time and trouble (7)