1: Fling an item of furniture (3,5,5)
2: Carries most of sea-bird back. (3)
3: Itinerant labor packing fruit for Great White Hunter? (5,4)
4: In the manner of a girl (3)
5: Infection leads from partly uncooked steak (3)
6: Boxer Max returned, holding heroin, for treatment (5)
7: Clearances for the first couple of characters to find answers. (11)
10: Monarch met monarch in even open space for coin-operated machines (7,6)
13: Easily bent out of shape? So smile, silly (7)
14: Kind of blue hereafter, at heart; this might tell what's to come? (3,4)
17: Subsequent supporter for Sideways (9)
21: Ace girl gets it wrong (5)
24: 23% of Scandinavians backing leaders (3)
25: Mediterranean leaves unfashionable coins? (3)
26: Sounds like everything: a bore (3)