1: Companion to take care of worker (9)
5: Batsman leaves cry-baby on the wagon (5)
8: Modernise rear, in the opinion of escort (5,2,2,4)
10: Boy gripping top of pine tree (5)
12: Offering resistance, cattle run wild (9)
14: Freeze one mug filled with tea, essentially (3,2)
15: One going to a higher court backing Father George, cardinal worker (9)
18: Simple addition in cult film (4,5)
19: A garden ornament makes men go mad (5)
20: Friendly over age of consent? (9)
22: Hordes of unions' speakers (5)
24: Unfortunate rot in republic is everlasting (13)
26: Transgression if turning end in Marseille (5)
27: 16-down cousin waves at gorilla (9)