1: Starting again, beginning at eight and travelling West (4,2,6,3)
6: Laid up, Emma joins senior exercise club and complains loudly (7)
8: Wine and cheese brought back by Gershwin? (7)
10: Ball tops over-ripe bananas (3)
11: Unfathomable letters from Lamb, say (7)
12: Two detectives produce a cosmetic (3,6)
16: Determination: we're not finished detaining sick P.O.W. (9)
18: From memory, next to courage (2,5)
20: Backblock not all there (3)
21: Rose was refined, but would never make a silk purse (4,3)
23: Encase most of the Ashes wrongly (7)
24: Returned from jog, made an unwise decision (5,2,8)