1: Focus of heroic move inside (9)
2: Tweak with wrong end of a pin (3)
3: Girl hatches subterfuge in prison tower (11)
5: Craft technique for remodeling aged coupe (9)
6: Wander around inside territory (3)
7: Difficult book about Baltic currency (11)
8: Pompously speak of no tax (5)
11: Feeling threatened, suggested concealing identity (11)
12: Cereal vermin seized by superb 16-down (11)
14: Where Gen X discuss motor damage amid brief pursuit (9)
15: Neat study trashed ... more at eleven (4,5)
18: Brand of cat food containing bird's head and feet (5)
19: Dizzy Ben is a playwright (5)
21: Without it, set call for recompense (3)