1: In no state to contain a pregnant virgin? (3)
3: Bar mail of unadorned capital (5,6)
8: Pen opening regularly, bearing volatile, flammable liquid (7)
9: Bottomless sea, stormy sea - waters' surface rises and falls (7)
10: Six points making a case for one in good shape (5)
12: Dotty rides around corrals with someone who passes out (9)
13: Feeling distressed? Tea's no sin (9)
16: Healthy, but lacking first beer (3)
17: The time before the first woman (3)
18: Lankiest teen group lean with little energy (9)
19: Spasm set in after mothers had a little something to chew (9)
21: All the performers express disapproval about it (5)
23: Attribute for a document copier (7)
24: Between two girls, left in a quandary (7)
26: No hefty role at sea for ship-launcher (5,2,4)
27: Copy of top ten missing (3)