2: The stagecoach industry (9)
3: Never out of order, a Kennedy is greatly admired (9)
4: Nixon's engaging Guevara in scraps (7)
5: Condemned without love, like the Vatican (5)
7: Barque, for one, is a trio-tutor (5-6)
9: Thoroughly go over Quattro before start of test-drive (5)
10: Wizards covered in liquor and beer...it might be for charity (7, 4)
14: Ace practised a lot by female golfer in a state of decline (2,1,3,3)
15: A contractor builds or he rents (9)
17: Piece of mosaic a Greek god put up (7)
18: Sigh audibly about fool giving lip (5)
21: Small room leader of orchestra needed for instrument (5)
24: Start reducing salt? (3)
26: One final, huge Greek goddess (3)