1: Toss a hammer into a nuclear accelerator! (4,7)
2: Couple gain control of schooner, for example (3-6)
3: Told fib with particular relaxation (3,4)
4: Neither's partner participated in an orchestra (3)
5: Group of eight initially outwits coup to enter Tripoli (5)
6: Mink, for one, may fly when theres trouble (3)
8: Pick up line for first man swinging both ways? (5,2,4)
9: Ceases running features about Republican in serious trouble (4,7)
12: A hint for the snooker champ? (3)
13: Enticements disrupt mental rules (11)
16: Bury terror when its said to raise its ugly head (9)
20: Leggy swimmer shabbily cops out (7)
22: Painting surface covered in stages sometimes (5)
24: Arcking shot from Bill O'Brien (3)
25: Help found in Adelaide. (3)