2: Strange guy, Nero jr. (7)
3: Issue of number one detergent brand being withdrawn (7)
5: City that cowboys used to avoid (5)
6: Rap wave using scab? (6-7)
7: A little sports car, let to harassed Southern belle (8,5)
8: Perfect counter-spy equipment (3)
9: Idler, upset, stirred (5)
11: Alcohol and tobacco - they can get a grip on you, we hear (5)
18: A drain could be at the bottom (5)
19: Certain engines stall less jerkily (7)
20: Heads of Asian countries hope the United Nations gives attention to Germany (7)
21: I dispense playing cards in a perfect manner (5)
23: First Lady, archetypical matriarch, and cowgirl finally talk candidly (5)
25: One politician's a brat (3)