2: Rolling wave rolls into Rolling Stones song (3,3,4,3)
8: Sailor takes gym class to slim down (5)
9: Tom Sharpe source of imagery (9)
10: Before much time has elapsed a nobleman takes that over there (5,2)
11: Motor oil in garage contains disturbing sediment (7)
12: Check strong drink of 22-acrosss bold alter ego (5,6)
15: Looks like an eyesore, sounds like an eyesore (3)
17: Girl mostly into turning inside out - it's never ending! (11)
19: Atom bombs to begin spewing ketchup ingredients (7)
21: Believes in harnessing hydrogen for sources of propulsion (7)
23: Tending in Southern California to fight straw man? (9)
24: Abstract art is just one step.(5)
25: Drive away roofing material before farmhouse becomes a target area (8,5)