1: Scrooge in film is erratic (5)
3: Recorder describes Mr. Quayle: a little crazy person, quick on his feet (3-6)
7: Cheer supporting blue automaton (5)
8: Lovely to have an hour inside for recess (5)
10: Confuse Garfield, dashing back inside (5)
11: Trimmed complicated test (7)
12: Neither's partner participated in an orchestra (3)
13: Make an attempt at a basket weaving (4,1,4)
16: Two detectives produce a cosmetic (3,6)
18: Oxygen is pretty amusing. (3)
20: Side with university after regarding the 'left behind' matter (7)
22: Stormy channel discovered? (5)
23: Anger doctor internalizes is more serious (5)
26: Rug behind structure in Scottish city (9)
27: Calculated average time (5)