1: A properly run lottery might be a complete success (1,5,5)
5: Bite and flip over -- one way to win a wrestling match (3)
7: Perpendicular to 25-across? (5)
8: Drawing, for example, a bit of a cartoon (3)
10: Half disapprove of old king (3)
11: Uninitiated stoop to finish (3)
12: Beware of these they show the funny side of the month! (4,2,5)
14: Risk of pole womans end being upset after handy beer (11)
16: Steer TS into alternative routes (4,7)
18: Incomplete raw data lies in largely unexplored regions (4,7)
22: Sixpence for big cheese? (1.1.1.)
24: A representative may be a scamp (3)
25: Sounds like a wolf on the coast (3)
26: Composer employed in hotel garage (5)
28: Beauty stripping top and bottom is an additional feature (3)
29: Sly dog covers horses for dancers (3-8)